In Churches
The Trust started life with a request for cards for a church congregation to mark an occasion in the church calendar.
We are still making cards for church congregations today, all over the world.

Cards for Your Church
Belhaven Parish Church has ordered a range of cards to suit specific situations e.g bereavement, baptism or for the housebound but also some cards to be given out to visitors with this image of the Church and “This comes with the warm greetings and prayers of Belhaven Church. May the peace of God surround you.”

Broughton St Mary’s has ordered cards to commemorate special services but recently used this lovely image of their Church with a range of comforting Bible verses on the reverse.
St Leonard’s Church, Forres has the following verse on their cards for visitors.
May the God of peace go with you as you travel from this place
may the love of Jesus keep you firm in hope and full of grace.
Ian Jamieson (adapted)